Tidy Your Desk Day on Monday 13th January, with discount code for one week!
Did you know, it’s Clean Your Desk Day on Monday 13th January!
If it is anything like my desk, that is quite a task! How about a little help from The Empty Box Company?

A tidy desk can help you:
· Focus on your projects
· Be more productive
· Feel much better about your workspace for 2025
· Access missing papers when you need them
Starting the year with an organised and tidy environment is a simple way to enhance productivity and reduce stress.
So On Clean Your Desk Day, this Monday, take a few moments to declutter your workspace, & organise what you want to keep with our eco friendly, stylish Office Products, hand crafted in the UK (with absolutely no plastic in sight!)
How to do this!
You can:
· Plan a before and after picture on social media
· Look up organization tips
· Get others involved in a declutter challenge
· Use a playlist to get motivated
· Visit The Empty Box Company Office Collection
and fall in love with our products, and choose your own design
· If it is not useful enough to go in an In tray or Desk Tidy Box, then recycle it!
· Take advantage of our 15% Discount code “DESK DAY” valid for one week!

to any label you want, or ask us to print alternatives!

post it notes, staples efficiently to hand.

Our Office Collection keeps your work essentials neatly stored. Hand Crafted from recycled board in the UK using british Interior design papers it combines sustainability with elegance & style. Just watch your desk become an inspiring and efficient workspace that you love.
Discount code for 15% off when you spend £30 or more DESK DAY