The First Day of Spring is time to plant wildflowers!

At The Empty Box Company, we are committed to being a climate friendly company, in the materials we use, utilising our waste in recycled or imaginative ways, & reaching our net zero target. We also have our own tree planting schemes around our Devon workshop to help with carbon capture, plus our wonderful hay meadow projects. A hectare of wildflower meadow can capture 11 tonnes of CO2 annually, so we use this as part of a combatting climate change project! (please see the link for more information!)

But we would like you to help too! We have some Free Matchbox Wildflower Seedballs to give away, with every order placed from the first day of spring (21st March 2024) until Easter week, or until our stocks last. I know it is just a drop in the ocean, but who knows what it might inspire in you?
A wildflower garden is easy to create, on any small patch of land. Or if you don’t have a garden, plant a window pot with our seedballs! Infact many plants that gardeners call weeds, are actually wild flowers, and grow easily in cracks of paving or amongst a stony path. Leave your daisies, buttercups, dandelions & wayside plants wherever you can, as bees and butterflies love them. There is plenty of information about Wild flower Meadows on Plantlife, and you can join in with No Mow May if you have even a small patch of lawn, to help save our bees & wildlife.