Springing to Action

Spring is on its way, and it is wonderful to see the snowdrops in the hedges around us, just outside our work barn. But there is not much time to admire the view here at The Empty Box Company on Tuell Farm, as we are still super busy in the workshop. With the sheer number of weddings coming in 2022 and 2023 (2022 has been named Year of the Wedding!) our workshop is in very high demand and is working flat out! So if your box takes a little longer than usual, it is coming, and thank you wonderful customers for your patience! We do not do shortcuts, & are training new staff, and we will hand make your exquisite box to the highest standards. But with the popularity of our boxes, and a reputation for unrivalled quality & beauty, there is a bit of a queue! But as there are no other boxes quite like ours, we feel sure that for an heirloom box that will last a lifetime, it is so worth the wait!
If you cannot wait, just check out our Ready to Go section for any boxes that might be in stock, here: https://www.emptybox.co.uk/products/ready-to-go-designs/